Thursday, March 27, 2025
Friends of Eye on Sun Valley, which represents a cross-section of local residents and visitors of the Wood River Valley, greatly enjoy and appreciate the daily local news stories & feature stories from Eye on Sun Valley. We thank you!
EyeOnSunValley.com is Blaine County's largest local online daily news service - publishing news articles, feature stories and videos. The Eye on Sun Valley Show, Cox TV Channel 13 runs (Monday-Sunday, primetime) and airs in 7 states- Idaho, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Nebraska, Georgia, Florida and Ohio.
This small, independent business started 5 years ago by Karen Bossick and Michael Hobbs and continues to grow exponentially, literally doubling readership and impressions in 2019- 2020! The EOSV team is tremendously grateful for the support of their loyal readers, advertisers and advocates.
In order for Eye on Sun Valley to keep up with these growing demands in these unpredictable times, donations are accepted and appreciated. EOSV is not a 501(c)(3) organization, so these donations will not be tax deductible. For others of you in our community who would like to join The Friends of Eye on Sun Valley and help, donations can be made
Friends of Eye On Sun Valley / Donors (partial list)
Action | Action | Action |
Lisa Admire
Lois Adrian
Tom Allen
Lesley & Rus Andrus
Mickey & Bob Angell
Ted & Leila Angle
John Archer
Mary Bachman
John Bailey
Richard Barker
Elli Bernacchi
Amy Bingham
Susan & Arnold Blair
Lori Blanchard
Sharon Bockemohle
William Boeger
Helen Bond
Julie Brewer
Lynn & Bruce Kaplan
Terri Bullock
Elizabeth Bunce
MJ Burns
Lynn Campion
Tracey & Mark Caraluzzi
Blakesley Chappellet
Diana Citret
Leonard Cohen
Patrice Cole
Mary Colhoun
Linda & Jay Cooper
Bill Craig
Diana David
Megan Davis
Norma Douglas
Wendy W. Drasdo
Jeri Howl & Jerry Edelbrock
Kathleen Eder
Maija & Al Eerkes
Sue Engelmann
Richard English
Joe Farina
Ellen Fastow
Pam Feld
Claudia Fiaschetti
Randi Filoon
Sandra Flattery
Marybeth Flower
John & Elaine French
Margery & Woody Friedlander
Marie Gallo & Ben Frank
Manon Gaudreau
Ernest Getto
Leslie Gianelli
Linda Goldman
Claudia Graham
Corey Graham
Sally Halstead
Todd & Barbara Hamachek
Cindy Hamlin
Leslie Doheny Hanks
Carol & Len Harlig
Grace Harvey
Christina Healy
Steve Heidel
John Herrell
Marilyn Hoffman
Gary & Connie Hoffman
Leisa Hollister
Christy Holloway
Carol Holman
Janet Houts
Harry Huffaker
Steven Huish
Elizabeth Huish
Blair & Cynthia Hull
Nancy Humphrey
Ellen James
Kristen Jarvisk
Jana & Jeff Foushee
Tricia & Jim Wood
Anne Kalik
Barry Karas
Judith Kaye
Martha Keck
Emily Kelly
Judy & Kevin Cahill
William Kirby
Elizabeth & Robert Corker
Virginia Kraft
Robert Law
Lisa Leach
Penny & Chris Leady
Robin Leavitt
Terri LeFaivre
Kathie Levison
Bill Leyrer
Marcia Liebich
Margaret Lilley
Carl & Linda Jensen
Roxanne Little
Thomas B. Livermore
Carolyn & John Lloyd
Pat Lockhart
John Lundin
Linda Lynch
Jan Main
Stephen Mayne
Jeanne McGinnis
Nancy Mcmath
Sheila & Jerry Mells
Jeanne Meyers
Sarah Michael
Louisa Moats
Carolyn Morrow
Ralph Fullerton & Myra Friedman
Bruce Norvell
Louise Wilson Noyes
Carolyn Nystrom
Dayle Ohlau
Sally Onetto
Edwin Outwater III
Susan Passovoy
Joyce Patricelli
Marylyn Pauley
Marcia Pillon
Stephen Powers
Tony & Connie Price
Collett Pruitt
William Pryor
Terry & Richard Seigel
Paul & Linda Ries
Carlyn Ring
Elizabeth and Robert Corker
Barbara Rognlien
Paula & Ron Nelson
Laura Rose-Llewis
Jodi & Sandy Sanders
Robbie Sawyer
Ashley Schmiedeskamp
Maureen & Paul Schwendener
Edward Schwerdtle
Barbara Selbach
Gail Severn
Joan Sheets
Martha Shepard
Rabbi-Cantor Robbi Sherwin
Margaret Shuford
Leslie Silva
Melinda Springs
Richard Stahl
Chris Stefani
Victoria Stokdyk
Penelope Street
Peggy Striegel
David Sturdevant
Jan Swanberg
Sherry Thorson
Barbara Timmons
Dookie Tingue
John & Joan Valass
Christie Vik
Gay Weake
Sandra Webel
Penny Weiss
Julie Weston
Judy Whitmyer
Carolyn Wicklund
Paul & Beth Willis
Trish Wilson
Ted & Candace Witt
Gina Wolcott
Sue Woodyard
Kit Wright
Sally & Yalcin Okaya
Website problems? Contact:
Michael Hobbs
General Manager /Webmaster
Got a story? Contact:
Karen Bossick
Editor in Chief
(208) 578-2111
Advertising /Marketing /Public Relations
Leisa Hollister
Chief Marketing Officer
(208) 450-9993
Brandi Huizar
Talent / AE
(208) 329-2050
EyeOnSunValley.com is the largest online daily news media service in The Wood River Valley, publishing 7 days a week. Our website publication features current news articles, feature stories, local sports articles and video content articles. The Eye On Sun Valley Show is a weekly primetime television show focusing on highlighted news stories of the week airing Monday-Sunday, COX Channel 13. See our interactive Kiosks around town throughout the Wood River Valley!
Press Releases only
P: 208.720.8212
P.O. Box 1453 Ketchum, ID 83340
© Copyright 2023 Eye on Sun Valley