Know Before You Go.
That’s the mantra of the Sawtooth Avalanche Center. You can learn all about it when the Friends of the Sawtooth Avalanche Center offers a free two-hour presentation that will teach you about the various types of snow, factors that make for prime avalanche conditions and how to travel safely in and near avalanche terrain.
The presentation will start at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 25, at The Community Library. It is suitable for those learning about avalanches for the first time and seasoned backcountry users ready for a yearly refresher. To attend, RSVP at,
This year’s snow season, of course, has presented some unique conditions what with long periods of dry days followed by some rather wet snows and winds at high elevation.
Avalanches blocked Highway 75 between Prairie Creek and the Salmon River on the Smiley Creek side last week. And skiers and riders have been remotely triggering large to very large avalanches from hundreds to thousands of feet away each of the past several days, according to avalanche forecasters.
“A slip in your attention to terrain could prove disastrous,” forecasters warned on Tuesday.
Those who wish hands-on experience can also take part in field days on Saturday or Sunday and learn how to dig avalanche pits to test snow and using avalanche beacons.
Want to know more? Visit To find out more about the weekend classes, contact