The Idaho Transportation Department will host an open house on Tuesday, Jan. 30, about plans to improve multiple sections of State Highway 75 between Bellevue and the Broadway Run intersection south of Ketchum.
The open house will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Commons Room of the Community Campus Building at 1050 Fox Acres Road in Hailey. An online meeting will be available between Jan. 31 and Feb. 14 at
Plans include widening SH-75 and improving specific intersections between McKercher Boulevard and Timber Way, and between Birch Street and Fox Acres Road. Plans also include improvements to the Gannett Road intersection and transit improvements at the Broadway Run intersection.
“We received excellent community feedback on preliminary design plans in November 2022,” Project Manager Mark Campbell said. “This meeting is an opportunity to share specific updates based on community input, detailed engineering and environmental work.”
Improvements between Bellevue and Broadway Run were approved in 2008 as a part of an environmental impact statement for SH-75 from Timmerman to Ketchum. ITD is re-evaluating improvements based on updated traffic projections, safety data and engineering.
Final design plans are expected to be completed later this year. ITD’s goal is to create shovel-ready projects that can be implemented when funding is identified.
Preliminary plans included a pedestrian/bicycle underpass.
Jesse Barrus, district engineer for the department told the Blaine County Commissioners earlier that about 25,000 cars travel each day between Ketchum and Bellevue and that the valley can expect almost 40,000 cars on that section in 2047.
Details about the project are available at
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