A ribbon cutting for a gigantic American flag to hang over the Snake River Canyon will be held at 4 p.m. Thursday, May 30.
The Twin Falls Are Chamber of Commerce will hold the ribbon cutting ceremony at the Twin Falls Visitor Center adjacent to the Perrine Bridge.
The flag, purchased with donations, will be unfurled in the Snake River Canyon during the city’s annual September 11 memorial. The flag’s name will be revealed at the ceremony, which is customary for such giant American flags.
The Magic Valley 9/11 Memorial is run by local volunteers. Previously, they rented a flag that stood 78 feet tall and 154 feet wide, weighing 400 pounds, from another non-profit for the remembrance. This one will remain in the community.
Last year’s ceremony involved two A-10 Warthogs screaming overhead while a bugler played “Taps” and soldiers dressed in military dress uniforms shot off a 21-gun salute. Firefighters and police officers turned on their sirens and bagpipers added to the din.
A country music band followed.
Various ceremonies were held throughout the week following honoring first responders and others. The flag was lit at night with 700 million candle lights emanating from the canyon golf course.