The Jeanne Rodgers lane Center for Regional History at The Community Library is soliciting stories and artifacts representing LGBTQIA2S+ experiences and history in Central Idaho.
The goal is to represent the whole spectrum of human experience, including Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Two Spirit and other identities.
“Our archives aim to serve as a reflection of the Wood River Valley community, past and present. However, LGBTQIA2S+ history is largely absent from our collection,” said Brigid Miller, the museum’s Community Engagement Manager. “We hope to remedy this gap through the ‘Pride in the Archives’ project this June and we encourage community members to share their stories with us.”
“We want future generations to be able to look to these archives to better understand the nuanced fullness of our history,” added Jenny Emery Davidson, executive director of the library.
Community members are encouraged to bring stories and materials to the library’s Wood River Museum of History and Culture at 580 4th St. East in Ketchum between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays or by appointment. Items can take the form of documents, objects, photographs, videos, journals, songs, art and more. Materials can also be shared digitally.
Individuals may make appointments to record oral histories, which will be added to the Center for Regional History’s collection of more than 500 oral histories. Oral histories can be made virtually or on-site and in-person. To schedule interviews, contact Miller at 208-806-2635 or