Blaine County voters are being asked to approve a $25 million Plants Facilities Levy for the Blaine County School District on Tuesday, Aug. 30.
The levy provides up to $5 million annually for five years to maintain and renovate school buildings. Up to about $35 would be assessed on every $100,000 of taxable assessed property value.
At least 55 percent of voters need to vote in favor of the levy for it to pass.
Trustees say the district needs to retrofit the Wood River Middle School’s HVAC system, install a dust collection system at the Community Campus, replace Wood River High School’s hot water boilers and replace Carey School’s track in 2023.
Other projects to be tackled later include roof replacements for Bellevue Elementary and the Community Campus, new gym bleachers for Carey School,, partial roof replacements at Hailey, Hemingway and Carey schools and a retrofit of the HVAC system at Alturas Elementary.
To learn more visit
Polling places are the Community Library in Ketchum, Sun Valley City Hall in Sun Valley, Community Campus in Hailey, Bellevue Elementary School in Bellevue and Carey School in Carey. Polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.