One of Mexico’s foremost comedians, actors and filmmakers will star in a touching story about a new school teacher in a small corrupt town when the Hailey Public Library shows a classic 1971 Mexican comedy Tuesday evening.
The library will show the free screening at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 27, at Hailey Town Center West across the parking lot from the library. It will be shown in Spanish--English subtitles will not be available as they customarily are.
The movie follows the story of a school teacher who is a blessing to the townspeople and his students. And he’s in love with Hortensia.
The library can’t share the name of the movie or its star due to its licensing agreement, said Kristin Fletcher, the library’s programs and engagement manager.
“But I can say that he was a pioneer in Mexican cinema and often portrayed an impoverished farmer or peasant. His good friend Charlie Chaplin once commented that he was the best comedian alive. Even if you don’t speak Spanish, it’s a fun movie to watch.”
Noche de Cine en Espanol is a free monthly movie deigned for kids, teens and adults that celebrates Hispanic culture featuring actors and directors from Mexico and Central and South America.